Number of guests: 8000
Format: Concert show
Goal: creation of a staged project, which will be seen as a symbol and a metaphor for progressive young people of St. Petersburg.
Project in figures:
Specialists of V-events team realized a gala-concert project for the International Youth Forum, which was held on the main stage of Yubileyny Sports Palace in St. Petersburg.
Eight thousand spectators witnessed this colorful staged event which presented narrations about life of a young person of the 2000s. The main narrators were the actors from the "BAMBOLА" theater. They opened the show with the "Metamorphosis" performance that was created specially for the project. Modern technical means, dynamic video decorations, original video content, together with the performances of Sergey Lazarev and the participant of “The Voice” Sesarev Egor, made the project one of the brightest events in life of the city.